10 oil bottle with golden labels laying upon a black and white striped notebook that says Open Your Bible


Isaiah 14:4 “Indeed the cypress trees rejoice over you, And the cedars of Lebanon, Saying, ‘Since you were cut down, No woodsman has come up against us.’” In Genesis 6:14, God told Noah to make the Ark of gopherwood. “Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; makes rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch.” Although gopher…

10 oil bottle with golden labels laying upon a black and white striped notebook that says Open Your Bible


Hyssop essential oil is mentioned 12 times in the Scriptures of the Bible- making it a relevant oil for the time period. Distilled from from the stems and leaves of the plant, the chemical makeup of Hyssop gives us insight in how to use it in our everyday lives. Ketones 48%- help to detoxify the body,…

Young Living May 2016

Young Living May 2016

April Showers bring May Flowers, right? Well, we had lots of showers here in Mississippi this April, so I’m banking on the May flowers and praying for not too hot temps {we’ve already hit 90 degrees… eek}. One of my favorite parts of May is MOTHER’S DAY. I’m pretty sure Mother’s Day is one of…

10 oil bottle with golden labels laying upon a black and white striped notebook that says Open Your Bible


Spikenard is mentioned in the Bible 17 different times- whether directly or indirectly. It was one of the most precious oils in ancient times—used only by priests, Kings, or high initiates. Spikenard is the oil that Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus’ feet with before the Last Supper. “Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made…

10 oil bottle with golden labels laying upon a black and white striped notebook that says Open Your Bible


Onycha is one of the three oils that make up what is often referred to as the “Holy Incense Recipe”.  Most commonly pronounced “Oh-nigh-ka”, it comes from a tree resin that can be used in that form or turned into what we know of as an essential oil in liquid form. While researching Onycha I…