You ever have that day. You know the one. You’re exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, just drained. I had that day. I was so overwhelmed with my mom and wife duties. Then I was adding on new responsibilities with my oily business. Feeling guilty about how much I was NOT getting done. Let me tell you, when it comes to beating myself up, I get an A+ for effort!
I had started my day with yelling at my kids. You know, someday I will laugh at the fact that it takes my 6 year old 15 minutes to brush his teeth. Or the fact that my 3 year old will get a bowl of cereal, let it get all mushy refuse to eat it and an hour later tell me he’s HUNGRY. Maybe I’ll even laugh at the fact that my 2 year old daughter will NOT let me help her pick out her clothes. But today was not that day. Here I was at 9:30 am, I had just finished fighting my youngest children to lay down for their very needed naps, I had 3 loads of laundry strewn out on my bed ready to be folded, I had a to do list a mile long and I couldn’t even force myself to pick up a dish towel and fold it. I was overwhelmed.
I grew up in a very Catholic Christian family. I was taught, when you can’t do anything, just pray. And that is what I did. I said a quick prayer, “God, please help me”. Then I did what I usually do when I’m trying to waste time, I opened up Facebook. The following events could not be anything less than God showing me He is here. He is taking care of me and I just need to listen.

So first, in my newsfeed, a friend had posted a link to an article saying, “4 Simple Steps to Overcoming the Overwhelming”…I know goosebumps, huh? I quickly clicked on that link! Then it occurred to me, I could use my oils! Duh Megan! I had just seen a post about Bergamot and how it was great for people that overthink and worry. So, I threw a couple drops of Bergamot in my diffuser. Then because Frankincense is my favorite oil for it’s calming properties and it’s Jesus’ oil, I added 2 drops of that as well.
So, while I was reading this post on how to overcome the overwhelming, I sent a message to my friends asking for something inspirational. I needed to be positive and find a better way to look at my day. And then, I kid you not, a total stranger in one of my Catholic FB groups, posted a video from John O’Leary titled, “Be OVERWHELMED…By the MAJESTY of it ALL”. I mean, someone come pinch me. Seriously God obviously heard my prayers! Don’t worry, it didn’t stop there.
So, I got thru the rest of my day. The oils seems to help me calm down enough and I was able to refocus my actions on Him and find a balance for the rest of the morning. I added the same oils to a cotton ball and put them in the air vent of my car so I could have the reminder of what I had prayed about. Sidenote: You’re sense of smell is the only of the 5 senses that you react before you think. This is why I went ahead an used that oil combination again. I wanted to keep my focus on Christ. As we got home, my kids all laid down for their afternoon rest time and my son pulled out a book for his reading. It was titled, “Jesus In Me”. As we were reading, I couldn’t help from tearing up. We had never read this book, but the entire book was about Galatians 5: 22-23. If you’re not familiar, this is the verse that it kept repeating, ” In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” Do you see that! All of the things I was lacking that morning. The fruits of the Spirit. WOW!!!! Just wow!
Needless to say, my day made a turn for the better. I found my focus. I used my answer to my prayer to refocus on Christ and be overwhelmed by His majesty! I almost didn’t share this story. It is hard to admit when you’re not super mom. But when God reveals Himself that many times in one day and you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, you just can’t keep it to yourself. I am praying this helps you. I hope you go and read this scripture quote and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Remember, “Be overwhelmed by the majesty of it all”.
Megan Harrouff from St. Louis, Missouri
[email protected]