1 – Welcome
Hello friends!!! I absolutely love the holiday season. Family and friends and food is just a great way to spend the season! I’ve got a few recipes to add you your holiday feast and I hope you enjoy them! I also have a few oils I want you to have on hand to help deal with the emotions that come from being with people ???? Often times the holidays can be dreaded. I want you to enjoy this holiday season so I am hoping you try at least a couple of oils I suggest!
Tonight will just be a series of posts every 3-5 minutes. Feel free to ask questions as we go along. I will respond as I can ❤️

???? Before we get started I want to make sure we cover this. I will be talking about oils that we will be using to flavor our food. That means you will be eating these oils. Young Living guarantees that they will not put any pesticides on their plants or the soil. Which means there is no junk in our oils. We hand weed our plants friends. And Young Living pays a fair wage to those workers. I want what is put into my body to be good quality. That’s why I only use YL! If you’d like more info on the promise from Young Living, visit www.seedtoseal.com. But promise me you won’t use anything other than YL ???? I care about you too!!
3 – Releasing past hurts
Don’t walk into Thanksgiving Day without addressing anything you MIGHT need to resolve ????????
???? Hanging onto negative emotions and experiences wears on us emotionally, which eventually spills over into our physical health. I have a friend who was sick for a very long time and not until she addressed some big emotional strongholds did her body finally start to recover and get WELL. How did she do it? She used the Feelings Kit protocol for 30 days, and then went through multiple rounds of AFT (Aroma Freedom Technique) to finally release over 20 years worth of emotional baggage that wasn’t serving her very well.
I would recommend to everyone to get the feelings kit…it’s worth saving up for! Here’s a few other oils that we love to help deal with those big emotions that are no longer serving you!
Release or SARA: these are both blends that are designed specifically to help release negative emotions or lasting issues from the past. SARA was designed specifically for sexual trauma, but can be used in all sorts of past traumas. You can use these in the diffuser overnight, and make sure you take the time to journal or meditate in the morning to work through anything else that you need to release. Apply some Joy or Valor before going about your day! You can also put a drop of either of these in your hands, and breathe deeply while focusing on a particular situation you need to release negativity in.
Forgiveness is another emotional blend that can help with both forgiving others and yourself. Put a drop in your hands and breathe deeply while focusing on the situation where forgiveness is needed!
4- Get your turkey
???? Yall, this is my seasoning recipe. I am not going to lie to you and tell you its healthy. it’s not. I use at least 2 sticks of butter for my 21lb turkey ????. But it’s SO dang good. I will forever use oils to flavor my food because it is SO much better than dried herbs! ��???? 2 sticks of softened butter
???? 2 drops Rosemary
???? 2 drops Thyme
???? 1 drop Black Pepper
???? 1 drop Sage
???? 2 tsp Garlic Salt
(Sometimes I add 1-2Tbsp of dried parsley because I like the look of the seasoning on the bird.)
???? Mix everthing together. Then get your hands dirty friends. Smoosh that butter under the skin all over that Turkey. Then rub it all over the outside of the turkey and then what is left, shove inside along with your onions, celery or whatever you plan on using inside the bird. I add a little bit of Turkey broth to the bottom of my roaster to make sure I don’t run out of juice to base the bird. Cook it however you like, but I promise you will have the juciest, golden crisp, best tasting bird you’ve had in a long time!
5- Cranberries
Can I be honest and tell you I hate cranberry sauce? ???? . But really. It has never been a favorite of mine. Ever. Until I tried this recipe. I really think it’s the addition of the citrus oils! It makes that bitter, taste sweet and I love this stuff! Let me know if you try it!! I would love it if you loved it as much as I do!
???? 12 oz fresh cranberries
???? 1 cup cranberry juice (you can use orange juice)
???? 1 cup maple syrup
???? 2 drops Orange EO
???? 1 drop Lemon EO
???? 2 drops Lime EO
???? Wash cranberries and add to a sauce pan with juice and maple syrup. Stir and heat until it reaches a boil. Turn to medium high heat and cook for 10 minutes or until it becomes thick. Then remove from heat. Stir in essential oils. Allow to cool and serve.
6- Setting the mood in the house
???? Thanksgiving is can be a time that you need to help control the chaos. The kids are running a muck with their cousins so the volume level can reach an all time high. Grandpa wouldn’t stop and ask for directions so they were late and Grandma is all sorts of in a huff. Your sister brought her new boyfriend who’s best quality is that he has all his teeth ???? ok, so it’s not really like that for me. BUT when you gather a lot of people in a small space, it can get a little nuts. So here are a few of my favorite diffuser recipes that will keep the mood light and the day festive!
???? Happy Place – 2 drops Ylang Ylang // 2 drops orange // 2 drops lavender
???? Unwind and Uplift – 3 Stress Away // 2 Peppermint
???? Smile – 2 Peppermint // 2 Frankincense
???? Healthy & Happy – 2 Thieves // 2 Lemon // 1 Citrus Fresh // 1 Lavender
???? Christmas and Sunshine’s baby – 3 Christmas Spirit // 2 Citrus Fresh
???? Defuse – 2 Lavender // 2 lemon // 1 geranium // 1 peppermint // 1 sandalwood
???? Thanksgiving – 4 Thieves // 4 Orange // 2 Nutmeg
7 – Set yourself up for success
You need to make sure that YOU can handle what you’re walking into. Here are a few blends that I would encourage you to use. Be honest with yourself. If you have an issue with taking everything personally, use the blend suggested. If you seem to take on everyone else’s emotions, use the blend suggested. If you usually bounce off the walls and need to know how to chill out, use the blend suggested. Get the point? You could also share with your family if you’d like. You don’t have to tell them what it’s for ????
???? You take it all personal – Surrender and /or Valor
???? You really need to let stuff go- Sage
???? You feel everyone’s emotions – White Angelica
???? You really just need to get happy – Joy with Valor
????You need to chill – Frank, stressaway and Lavender
???? You feel the need to share your unwanted opinion – Chivalry or Harmony
???? You feel like it’s everyone else’s fault – Peace & Calming
???? You feel like you don’t want to be there – Citrus Fresh
8 – Bread Stuffing
???? I am not a huge fan of stuffing or dressing but my hubs LOVES this recipe. I will add a pound of cooked ground sausage and cheddar cheese when I make this as a dressing. (I leave out the egg)
* 8 slices bread
* 1/2 medium onion
* 1 stalk celery
* 6 Tbs butter
* 1 cup chicken broth
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1/8 tsp pepper
* 1 drop sage essential oil
* 1 drop rosemary essential oil
* 1 drop thyme essential oil
* 2 eggs
* Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Using a serrated knife, cut bread into cubes. Spread bread cubes out evenly on a baking sheet, and bake for 15–20 minutes, stirring once, until lightly golden.
* Finely chop the onion and the celery. In a large saucepan, melt the butter, and then add the chopped onion and celery. Saute the onion and celery over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until barely tender.
* Add the chicken broth, salt, and pepper.
* Remove saucepan from heat, and stir in essential oils.
* Add the toasted bread chunks, and stir until evenly coated.
* Stir in two eggs; and then spoon the stuffing into a greased casserole dish.
* Bake stuffing at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes, or until the egg is cooked and the stuffing is a nice golden color.
* Serve this delicious stuffing as part of your holiday meal!
9 – Pumpkin Pie ????
This is the only pie I like. I’ve tried them all but pumpkin is my FAVE. I think it’s because it has very little crust. I’m just not a bread person.
???? 1 15 oz canned pumpkin
???? 14 oz milk
???? 1/4 C brown sugar
???? 1/4 C honey
???? 2 eggs
???? 1/2 tsp sea salt
???? 1/2 tsp nutmeg
???? 4 drops cloves
???? 2 drops ginger
???? 2 drops cinnamon bark
???? 1- 9 inch pie crust
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. Whisk all ingredients until smooth.
3. Pour into pie crust.
4. Bake 15 minutes, then reduce temperature to 350 degrees and bake additional 60 minutes.
5. Pie is done when knife inserted 1 inch from the edge of crust comes out clean.
6. If crust is getting to browned carefully cover with a foil tent 45 minutes into baking time.
10 – Digestive stuff –
???? Oh you mean your body can’t handle the insane food you shoved down? ???????????? Often times our good eating habits go out the window when we see the plethora of amazing food set before us. We’ve all been there. Full, miserable, bloated and gassy. Guess what. There’s an oil and a supplement for that ???? Often times I do both. Here’s a guide for what to use and why.
???? DiGize – ANY digestive discomfort is the reason to pull this oil out. You can drop a drop under your tongue. You can put it on your stomach where it hurts. You can put it in a capsule with some carrier oil. Whatever tickles your fancy. Just use it! ????
????AlkaLime – say goodbye to heartburn!!
???? Essentialzymes-4 – We have a few different enzymes. And you can really dig to figure out which one works best for you. But I like this one because it helps me when I eat something that I realize later I shouldn’t have eaten. Pop both capsules and you’ll be feeling better. If you’re smart, take it before you eat lunch and before you eat dinner that day. Much easier on your stomach when you have enzymes that help digest your food!
???? Life 9 – I know. It’s a probiotic. But trust me. Taking this every night for a month will help your body so much more if you do it consistently. Plus you’ll stay healthier when your gut is healthy. Win win huh?
???? Sip on Orange, Peppermint m, Spearmint or Lemon water – This will help your body digest food a little better and get rid of the nauseous feeling.
Just a heads up. MAYBE this year, you go slow. Make sure you don’t over do it. If you want to chill out on how much you eat this year, try our Slique oil or Slique tea. It can help curb your appetite and the Slique Shakes make you feel full ????????♀️ Maybe not a bad idea ????
11 – Muscles –
At the end of the day, you’re worn out right? Even when I use paper plates for dinner, I am still just worn out! My back hurts from standing all day, my arms hurt from lifting the turkey and other items all day, my knees hurt, my elbows hurt and my eyes hurt from all the eye rolling ???? HA! Just kidding lol. Here are my go to tips and tricks for surviving this day!
☀️ Start out your day with something for pain. If you know your knees or backs are going to hurt, rub either of these pain creams on your knees or back etc before the pain starts. Then apply as needed throughout the day
???????? DIY Pain Cream
1/4 cup of Lavender Lotion
10 drops each Valor, Panaway and Peppermint
Cool Azul Pain Cream – this is a wonderful cream that has essential oils that help your muscles and joints! A lot of people with arthritis find this helps a ton!
???? Grab a supplement! Young Living has supplements that are great for supporting muscles and joints like Sulfurzyme, AgilEase and BLM. I will start my day with this if I feel like it’s gonna be a rough day and I will take some at the end of the night to so I wake up not super sore.
???????? Relaxing foot soak/ bath salts – at the end of the day, there is nothing more relaxing than a bath or foot soak. Mix up 1 cup of Epsom salt with 2Tbsp of baking soda and add 10 drops total of your favorite essential oils. Pour the salt under running water and then soak for 15-20 minutes. Here’s what I would suggest. Mix and match and make your own combo to fit your need!
☝???? Pain – Valor, Panaway, Copaiba, Stress Away, Peppermint
☝???? Stress – Valor, Stressaway, Frankincense, Citrus Fresh, Lavender
☝???? Stomach Upset – Digize, Peppermjnt, Orange, Lemon
☝???? Sleep Well – Lavender, Stress Away, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Peace & Calming
☝???? Breathe Well – Thieves, Raven, Lemon, Peace & Calming
12 – Thank you
Thank you for hanging out with me! I know that Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, but often times you can walk away from the day and wonder why you even went. Hopefully this event will help you navigate this holiday a little better ???????? For those of you that realized that maybe you have some emotional work to do, I would love for you to dig deeper. I am the first to tell you that emotional work is hard, but totally worth it. Counseling has really helped me coupled with oils and prayer! It’s amazing how much better you feel when you address those issues and can stand firm in your decisions ????
Here are a few references for you all!
???? Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils – https://www.amazon.com/Releasing-Emotional-Pat…/…/1092655565
???? Feelings Buried Alive Never Die…
???? The Aroma Freedom Technique-https://www.amazon.com/Aroma-Freedom-Tech…/…/ref=mp_s_a_1_1…