Hello April! I am so excited about the April Promos Young Living has to offer this month! Just take a look at this line up!

Count them!! That is 7 free oils you can earn on your ER order for the month of April!!
So lets jump in! At the 100 pv level on ER or shop only order you will receive FREE SHIPPING! We asked and they listed free shipping with any 100 pv order!! yeah!! Thanks Young Living!

Look at all those oils!! April Promos at the 190 pv level you’ll earn a free bottle of Tangerine on your ER order AND your shop only order! Thats right you can earn that little gem twice this month. Bonus 15 ml of Peppermint and Citrus Fresh can be earned on your ER order. I love how Young Living dotes on their Loyalty Essential Rewards members! And don’t forget about the ER points that we earn with our ER orders, not heard of it? Shoot me a message I’d love to get you hooked up!

Grab your favorite cup of tea or coffee and lean in as we learn more about Tangerine with Melissa.
Spring has definitely sprung and nothing says spring and more sunshine, than citrus fruits!
This month Young Living is sending us a 15 ml bottle of Tangerine with all 190pv orders. That means you can get this one with a quick order or your monthly essential rewards order.
Tangerine is incredibly versatile. From diffusing to baking to cleaning, to laundry, there is a way to put this one to good use.
Aromatically, Tangerine promotes happiness, can help calm nervousness, and reduce sadness. Um, yes please!
90-97% rich in Limonene and after researching Limonene, you know what a powerhouse this oil is!
Tangerine can help support lung health, the liver, the brain, the immune system, and the digestive system.
Basically get happy and get healthy all in one bottle!
One of my favorite ways to use Tangerine is in my glass of water {hello antioxidants}. It makes boring water way more exciting plus it is great for the liver, digestive system, and can even help with those not so good for us cravings!
Tangerine is such a calming yet energizing and refreshing oil. Next time you’re feeling down, try a drop in the palm of your hands and take a few deep breaths. It’s a quick and amazing pick me up!
Another fun way to use Tangerine is by adding a few drops to your favorite cake, scone, or cookie recipe. Yummy!
What is your favorite way to use Tangerine?

Corrie is here to share with us how she uses Peppermint.
Grab this FREE bottle at the 190pv ER bonus promo for April!!
THIS bottle!! Gahhh! It’s was the very first oil I ever used! It’s a favorite for sure!!
Here is how I use it… would love to hear how you guys do!
– A drop in my water to curb my appetite or cut a sugar craving!
– Mix with some water in a little spritzer bottle and spray on my skin when I am hot, to cool a fever or for a spray in the back of my throat if it’s sore! Sometimes, I buy products fro it – you can visit site to buy them yourself
– I always keep a bottle in my purse for travel tummy! Only need to sniff the bottle for instant relief!
– A few drops in my brownie batter for super yummy peppermint brownies!
– Diffuse for a fresh smell that keeps your alert and sharp while working or cleaning!
– Spritz it around your doors to keep those spiders out!
– Drop some in that homemade pain cream (Panaway, Copaiba & Peppermint) for an “icy hot” feeling!
– Add to that homemade skitter spray!! (Citronella, Lemongrass & Peppermint)
– A drop on your thumb and press into the upper side of your mouth to relieve head tension!
– And that last one will also freshen that stank breath!
– Spring time sniffles?! Diffuse some Peppermint with Lavender and Lemon to help!
Pretty much this is a must to have on hand!! Oh Peppermint, how I love you, let me count the ways!!

Our 2nd bonus free at the 190 pv level for Essential Rewards members is a 15 ml bottle Citrus Fresh! Lets learn more on this fresh scented oil from Megan:
Do you all know about Citrus Fresh?
Citrus Fresh comes in the starter kit!
I know right!? Who knew.
But I want to tell you WHY you need these two in your own oily arsenal.
Citrus fresh
I fixed shrimp last night and MAN did the smell permeate the air! Citrus fresh took care of that smell
Great for adding to your water or tea or coffee. I try to not add sugar to my drinks. Citrus fresh has just the right flavor. No sugar needed
wonderful for calming and uplifting! I often use this on rainy or cold days to help with moods. This in the diffuser helps find positivity and also can help with creativity.
it was also great for a gentle detox. I know some that will use it in a cream with Leedom for cellulite. And it’s also great for helping with lymphatic function.
Have an oil that you don’t like the smell? Adding citrus fresh helps cut floral smells and make the aroma more pleasant.
Who has tried this oil? What do YOU use it for?

Moving on up to the 250pv orders you can earn a free 15 ml bottle of Grapefruit AND a free 5 ml bottle of Jade Lemon thanks to April Promos from Young Living! You technically could earn the twice for free! Once on your Essential Rewards order and again on a shop only order.

Here is more information on Jade Lemon from Christi:
Jade Lemon is free this month with a 250PV order via Essential Rewards or shop only.
It has been a favorite in our house for quite a while. Jade Lemon has an oriental flavor. My girls preferred it to regular lemon.
This citrus oil is said to taste more lemony than regular lemon. It can be used to help clean up greasy messes. In some weight loss supplements that actually work we can find some citrus ingredients like for example Citrus aurantium: This herb extract can increase your metabolism and help you burn more fat.
Jade Lemon can take the gum out of hair and used to flavor your water (Vitality).
I found a video telling the story of how Gary found Jade Lemon. Young Living exclusive essential oil – Jade Lemon https://youtu.be/EWQEloH0Fwk
For a recipe using Jade Lemon from April Promos from Young Living click here.

Shout out to Michelle for more information on Grapefruit:
Earn a free 15ml bottle of Grapefruit with a 250PV order on Essential Rewards or shop order.
Oh I’m glad to see Grapefruit as a freebie this month. It’s one of those oils that I use for a while then forget about it.
I’m always happy when I rediscover it because it’s such an uplifting, happy smelling oil to me.
Grapefruit oil is cold pressed from the rind where all the nutrients are stored.
It is a staple with a vibrant, zesty aroma that is awesome in the diffuser on a dreary day or before your next workout to put a little peep in your step.
Create your own exfoliation scrub by combining 5 drops with ½ cup sea salt, ¼ cup V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, 5 drops Cypress and 3 drops Peppermint.
You can add it to your nighttime skin care routine for its cleansing effect.
Also, my daughter sometimes uses Grapefruit as a spot treatment for her face. Just remember, as with all citrus oils, don’t use them when you are planning to be in the sun.
Try putting a drop of Grapefruit Vitality in your glass or stainless steel water bottle for daily support in weight management.
What are some of the ways you use Grapefruit?

When you make a purchase of 300pv or more on Essential Rewards or Shop only order, not only will you earn all the oils we’ve mentioned but also a 15ml bottle of Thieves and a 5ml bottle of Bergamon!! Thanks to April Promos from Young Living!
Seriously y’all Young Living is so generous! That is a total of 7 bottle of oils in one ER purchase, 5 bottles of free oils if you purchase via a one time purchase or 12 bottles of free oils if you do both!! AMAZING!

Earn a free 5 ml bottle of Bergamont with you 300 pv purchase on Essential rewards or shop only.
Lets learn more about Bergamont form Christi:
Upon researching this beautiful oil I have found it does so much more than just smell good in the diffuser.
Bergamot can help with so many things: relieve depression, lower blood sugar levels, prevent infection, reduce pain, aid in digestion, can be used as a deodorant.
It can be used to help with most systems of the body including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, excretory, & nervous systems.
In all honesty, I usually just put it in the diffuser with Thieves or just about anything, really.
It is so amazing to find out that it can help with so much more than just smelling good.

Lets learn more about his household staple from Michelle:
Thieves 15 ml w/ 300 PV via Essential Rewards order or shop only.
Who else is excited for FREE Thieves?!!
Thieves might be Young Living’s most well known blend. It comes in the starter kit, and it’s one of those oils you can never have to many bottles of in your stash.
I don’t know about you, but I try to always keep an extra 2 or 3 unopened bottles at ALL times.
Thieves is an immune powerhouse that can be applied topically, diffused or ingested.
Put a couple drops of Thieves Vitality in your tea or in a capsule to keep your immune system working at its best.
My go to is a thieves roller. I try to use it before going out and each night before going to sleep. ( I’ll post a couple recipes within our members group)
We also love to diffuse it for purifying the air. It smells like fall to me and I just can’t get enough of Thieves in the diffuser.
My favorite way to diffuse it is with a few drops of Bergamot and Christmas Spirit or with Grapefruit.
Thieves is so awesome we have an entire plant based cleaning line all made with Thieves. So clean all the things with Thieves because nobody likes yuck in their lives!! (to learn more about our cleaning line click here)
Share with us some of the ways you use Thieves with your family.

My goodness! I warned you these April Promos from Young Living were going to be amazing!!
Which ones are you most excited to get?
And if by chance you have found our blog post and you are not a part of the YL family yet we would so enjoy to have you with our precious team!
Check out how to get started and join us here.
Thanks for joining us for April Promos from Young Living! Be on the look out for more exciting class opportunities this month and don’t miss out on April’s joy filled mail in our members only FB group!
Love & prayers,
Donna Wysong