Essential Oils and Newborn Care

Essential Oils and Newborn Care

*Young Living Essential Oils, guarantees to provide only 100% pure, therapeutic grade oils produced from carefully identified plants with natural chemical profiles that match or exceed recognized world standards. In addition, YL has its own more comprehensive, rigorous internal standard, which is an essential prerequisite to gain therapeutic results without producing harmful side effects. This…

10 oil bottle with golden labels laying upon a black and white striped notebook that says Open Your Bible


Spikenard is mentioned in the Bible 17 different times- whether directly or indirectly. It was one of the most precious oils in ancient times—used only by priests, Kings, or high initiates. Spikenard is the oil that Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus’ feet with before the Last Supper. “Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made…


Homemade Candles

I have always loved candles. I would spend LOTS of hard earned money on nice, name brand candles.   Then, when the Scentsy burners came around, I fell in love with those.   As I learned about toxins and the toxins in scented products like candles and scentsy warmers, I started ridding my house of…

Thieves Spray

Thieves Spray

I love this time of the year! The leaves change colors. The wind blows, and it is chilly enough to need a sweater, scarf, or boots! If you live in GA, it may be 45 degrees one day and 78 degrees the next day. Ok… that part I don’t like.   A Young Living product I love to…