I have always loved candles. I would spend LOTS of hard earned money on nice, name brand candles.
Then, when the Scentsy burners came around, I fell in love with those.
As I learned about toxins and the toxins in scented products like candles and scentsy warmers, I started ridding my house of those.
It helped that I soon purchased an amazing essential oil Starter Kit which came with 11 oils and a diffuser (to spew the scents in the air).
Young Living essential oils are safe scents and contain NO toxins. Hallelujah!
You can imagine my delight when I discovered that candles were super easy (and CHEAP) to make and that I could add my Young Living essential oils to them.
You will need to start off with a jar (any size), a metal plated wick, a clothes pin, soy wax, your choice of YL essential oil scents, hot glue gun, and double boiler. Optional are: Mica pigment color powder (to color your candle), fun tags, string and fresh herbs to tie around the outside.
You will start by hot gluing your wick in the center of the bottom of your jar. The metal disk makes that easy. Let it dry and then put a clothes pin on the top and drape it over the edge to ensure that the wick stands tall.
Then, put 4 cups of your soy wax in the double boiler, keep and eye on it, and stir. The wax is unlike chocolate in that you do not have to stand and stir nonstop. It takes roughly 20 minutes to completely melt.
Once is has melted, pull it off the heat. Allow it to cool somewhat and if you are adding color, do so now.
Then, add in your essential oil drops. I chose Lavender (15 drops) and Rosemary (15 drops). Stir it all together.
Get your jars and pour in your wax. This makes two 8oz mason jars. I love that we can now purchase the half pint jars (4oz) and this easily would make 4 of those– perfect for your child’s teacher, the mail lady, etc.
Trim the wick.
The candles need to set for 24 hours before you can burn them.
Then, you can dress it up with a cute tag, some string, and fresh herbs if you want.
There you have it! A cheap and easy way to make candles and they are completely toxin free!