Kick off this season with your best defense!! Young Living’s “offensive” line up is here to help!
Learn all about this months freebies here.
Earn a 5ml bottle of Ginger at the 100pv level when you are on ER (aka Essential Rewards) which also means you can receive this sweet little gem for free when by signing up for ER when you order your premium starter kit!! Check out here for how to get started!
Ginger essential oil is one that I originally bought for fall diffuser blends! I LOVE fall smells and Ginger is amazing! Here’s my fave diffuser recipe
Spiced Cider
2 drops each Orange, Ginger and Cinnamon bark
But thank goodness I read a little and realized this oil is great for other things as well. Did you know you could use it to soothe muscles after exercise by combining with Ortho Sport Massage Oil.
You can also use this to aid in digestion! It’s an ingredient in DiGize and I will often do a capsule with this oil instead to help my stomach out.
How do you plan to use this oil first?
Earn 5ml of Snifflease at the 190pv level when you are on ER!
Do you know what I love? I love when I get ready to order and oil and then I realize I’m gonna get it for free! I was just getting ready to order this oil and wahlah! Young Living is giving it to me for free!
Snifflease is a Kidscents oil but don’t think I don’t use this for myself! It’s prediluted so I can just pop a roller fitment on top and roll on my chest and back of neck. Works SO well!! And it works great for kids too! I use this just like I used to use Vick’s
This one is also fantastic in the diffuser. Got a kiddo with a little sniffle? I sometimes combine this one with lavender in the diffuser! I am SO thankful we get this oil for free this month! With the winter months comin, I know we’re gonna need it!
Earn a bottle of Inner Defense at the 190pv level on quick order or Essential Rewards.

Lemon: Supports a healthy immune system
Ravensara: Helps relieve discomfort. helps support healthy immune system, uplifting
Wintergreen: Warming, helps support healthy muscles and joints
Peppermint: Cooling, helps to enhance the effects of other oils
I love this oil and use it constantly.
A couple of my favorite ways to use Raven is in the diffuser with Thieves, not only does it smell amazing but my family is getting some respiratory and immune support without realizing it.
(During the changing seasons do this BEFORE they start falling below the wellness line)
I also like to apply Raven to my chest if I’m feeling tired or anxious. By taking slow deep breaths it helps to give me the boost I need to get on with my day.
If you are in need of some serious breathing support try this tip. Put one drop of Raven in your palm, rub your hands together, cup both your mouth and nose, and breathe with DEEP breaths for a few minutes. You’ll experience both the topical AND aromatic power of Raven!!
What are some of your favorite ways to use Raven?
Did you know the average person consumes only a fraction of the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables
and as a result needs nutrient-dense vitamins and minerals to supplement his or her diet? Poor nutrition can lead to a variety of health concerns like fatigue
, a compromised immune system
, and poor digestion
. MultiGreens is a supplement that helps with so many of those dietary needs.
MultiGreens boosts vitality (hello energy!!) & supports the circulatory system
, nervous system
, & glandular system
. MultiGreens is a “live” food containing nutrients and phytochemicals that isn’t found in typical vitamin supplements. It contains nutrients like: enzymes, chlorophyll, amino acids, and more!
Here are a few interesting facts about the ingredients in MultiGreens:
Barley – cleansing antioxidant that’s rich in minerals
Spirulina (source of chlorophyll) – rich in magnesium – linked to energy & metabolism.
Pacific Kelp – supports thyroid hormone & estrogen levels.
Bee Pollen – high in protein, low in fat & sodium, loaded with vitamins & minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper & B vitamins).
Essential Oils in MultiGreens:
Rosemary – supports the endocrine systems
Lemon – cleansing, increases immune function, & supports the brain
Lemongrass – digestive support, cleansing
Melissa – one of the most sought after oils, it is known for energizing the body & providing inflammation support.
Here’s another fun fact… According to the clinical research done during the formulation of MultiGreens, BEFORE adding the essential oils to the formula, there was a 42% blood absorption in 24 hours. But AFTER adding the essential oils to the formula, blood absorption increased to 64% in 30 minutes & 86% in 1 hour. Incredible!!
Multigreens is also great for kids! Just break open a capsule & mix it into their food (oatmeal, Greek yogurt, veggies, etc) to add a healthy boost to their diet.
Are you already taking multigreens?! Tell us what you love most about them.
During September, prepare the whole family for your busy fall schedules with two exclusive Essential Rewards collections: Personal Care and Wellness. Our new limited-time sets pack a solid self-care punch and boost your chances for back-to-school survival.
These beautifully packaged, limited collections offer a unique opportunity for your team to think outside their essential oil bottles and explore other Young Living products. Encourage your teams to stock up on our Essential Rewards collections today!
The Personal Care and Wellness ER collections are available from midnight, MT, on September 1 until 11:59 p.m., MT, on September 30, or while supplies last.* Limit 1 of each collection per member per ER order. New enrolling members can order the limited-time ER collections if purchased on an ER order. To place an order, visit your Virtual Office.
Personal Care Essential Rewards Collection
Item No.: 26638
Wholesale: $130
PV: 120
Items: Thieves Dental Floss, Lavender Calming Bath Bombs, Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste, Sacred Frankincense essential oil, Charcoal Bar Soap, Lavender Hand & Body Lotion, Satin Facial Scrub, loofah
Wellness Essential Rewards Kit
Item No.: 26672
Wholesale: $125
PV: 110
Items: Master Formula, Life 9, Lemon Vitality essential oil, stainless steel mug.