Thieves Household Cleaner has become a staple in our household. If you are trying to Learn more about effective cleaning options, this is one of them. Whether I am cleaning the kitchens and bathrooms or getting stains out, thieves cleaner has come to the rescue so many times. When I was pregnant with my first child, my house NEVER got cleaned, because I could not stand the smell of normal cleaning products and is used by different cleaning companies such as Hanover Home Cleaning Pros which are professionals in this field. With my most recent pregnancy I was able to keep the house clean thanks to the my thieves cleaner which does not have a chemical cleaner scent!  It amazes me how many headaches I can avoid now when cleaning without so many yucky chemicals. Y’all, you can use this stuff on pretty much anything…
 Thieves Clean Web
I purchased a large plastic (32oz) spray bottle and always keep one capful of Thieves Household Cleaner diluted with a out 3/4 of the bottle of water. I use that bottle on counter tops and for easy cleans around the house. If I am wanting to get a little deeper clean, I add 2 capfuls of thieves cleaner to the 3/4 full water bottle. I also like to make a paste with 1 capful of thieves cleaner and about a cup of baking soda. When it’s a liquid-y paste (sometimes I just do 1/2 a cup baking soda for that), I use that to scrub my toilets and bath tubs. Sometimes I let the thieves cleaner soak into the baking soda over night and sprinkle it on my carpets the next day before vacuuming. Get the best results while cleaning your carpet by visiting Today I ran my dishwasher with one cap of thieves cleaner in the detergent container and my dishes smelled great and were super clean when the load was done. I also use the cleaner to spot-clean clothes and clean my laundry machine.
 Thieves Hands Web
For more ways to use Thieves Household cleaner, read our past blog posts: 

To hear more about this product, please watch Sarah Cook and all the info she has to share:

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  1. I will never be without this cleaner again! This product completely changed the way I clean my house. From the bathroom to the floors and everywhere in between!

  2. Thieves Cleaner is my most favorite thing to share. Everyone cleans!! It’s so powerful and effective that people immediately fall in love with it’s cleansing ability!

  3. Thank you for sharing the different ways to use the cleaner. I really like the idea of using the thieves and baking soda on the carpet. I just received some cleaner from my leader Amber Klemp and I can’t wait to use it in my house!

  4. I am also pregnant and can’t stand the smell of those harmful chemicals. This is going to be a must in our household especially with babies running around.

  5. I ordered my first Thieves cleaner and it is on back order but I can not wait to try it. Cleaned at the church last night and used our regular cleaners and left with a headache.

  6. I just got my first Thieves cleaner and I am SOLD! I clean my kitchen, bathrooms, floors and it took out the soiled spots my puppy so kindly left on my carpet! AMAZING stuff!

  7. Thieves cleaner has replaced all those bottles under the sink. Just cleaned our floors with it this morning. Love Thieves cleaner! Chemical Free Cleaning – YES please.

  8. I love Thieves Cleaner!! I use it on every surface in my house. I also use it to make hand soap and laundry detergent,

  9. Love, love, love my Thieves cleaner! We had family come into town this weekend and it made making my house look and feel clean so easy!!

  10. I recently reviewed a bottle as a gift and it inspired me to clean my bathroom. It started out I was just going to try it on the counter, but once I started I couldn’t stop. I’ve been in love with it ever since.

  11. Thieves cleaner/degreaser worked great on old stain on the floor mat in my car. Thanks Amber Klemp for sharing this product with me.

  12. I have never used Thieves cleaner, but would really like to now. I didn’t know you can use it in the dishwasher too!

  13. This is one of the best investments I’ve made. I love having a cleaner I can use everywhere and don’t have to worry about what it’s doing to mine, or my children’s lungs and bodies while I’m cleaning.

  14. I clean everything with thieves cleaner. I love that it’s all natural and I don’t have to worry about my little ones being around it!

  15. This is really interesting. I didn’t know about the amazing cleaning properties of Thieves household cleaner. I like natural cleaning solutions and I will gladly try the Thieves cleaner. Thank you for sharing!